Power of Loneliness

1 min readDec 6, 2020

Sometimes we don’t want people to disturb us but sometimes we complain about loneliness when we can’t see anyone around us.

Think about it, is loneliness truly a terrible thing?

Loneliness provides you a lot of opportunities any bevy of people can’t provide.

You spend your time efficiently when you’re alone.

The best ideas come to your mind, you decide about your great goals when you’re alone.

Prophet Abraham (a.s) appreciated that there is no more God except Allah (c.c) when he was alone.

Hz. Gabriel (a.s) brought versicles of the Quran when Prophet Muhammed (s.a.v) was alone in the cave of Hira.

You can recognize that which is right and wrong when you’re alone.

If you are alone, you can be closer to Allah.

If you feel lonely one day … Don’t be sad, realize the worth of that time.

And don’t forget that Allah is always with you.




Industrial, Commercial, and Civil Damage Specialist. A thinker on the way to be a writer and is interested in personal development.